The easiest way to immigrate to Canada in the year 2020

watch_later lundi 20 janvier 2020
comment 8 Comments

Immigration to Canada is not easy. There are many steps one must take to successfully implement and obtain approval from the Canadian Immigration Department. The process can take several months and in some cases a few years. But if you know what options are available, you can improve your changes in success and avoid file rejection, frustration, and delay

1- Immigration to Canada by a family sponsor.

Family reunification remains the cornerstone of Canadian immigration policy. Families in Canada can help their relatives to come to Canada on a permanent resident basis. In order to qualify for the care of your relative, you must be a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. One of the spouses can bring the other party together with you and any children you have with each other or from a previous marriage. Unfortunately, bringing in your parents or grandparents is no longer an option at this time. However, you can bring them to Canada under a special category called Super Visa.

2- LMIA business visa.

Many applicants for Canadian immigration first obtain job offers from Canadian companies, apply for a work visa, and then on this basis, migrate to Canada. LMIA involves securing a Canadian job offer, after a Canadian employer submits an application for LMIA through Service Canada and then the applicant applies for a work permit after approving the LMIA. This is how Canadian permanent residence can lead. And for more information on this point, which I consider one of the easiest ways to immigrate to Canada,

3 - District filtering programs Provincial nominees.

The Provincial nominees route has become an increasingly popular way to migrate to Canada. Canadian provinces such as Alberta, Ontario, British Columbia, and other immigration programs have developed their own and that have led to a rapid process of skilled worker migration to Canada. However, the Provincial nominees immigration program generally requires applicants to remain residing in the respective provinces after their arrival in Canada. Moreover, most Provincial nominees programs require a job offer from a Canadian employer in order to qualify. For an accurate and in-depth knowledge of the programs of each Canadian province in terms of conditions and ease, we invite you to watch this video from the ClipAxis channel.


الاسم جلال
اريد الهجره
السن 46 عام
3 بنات
1 ولد

delete 21 janvier 2020 à 13:52

I want to imgration to canda my name is MURTADA HUSSAIN AGE 24 IM FROM SUDAN

delete 21 janvier 2020 à 14:16

الاسم ابازر سلمان
الدوله السودان
المستوي الدراسي
السنه الدراسيه الثانيه

delete 21 janvier 2020 à 15:09

الاسم عادل سديل
اب لثلاثة أطفال كبيرهم 12سنة
متجوز من زوجة عمرها 36سنة أريد الهجرة لكندا بصفة دائمة

delete 23 janvier 2020 à 03:20

الاسم :وافي ساري
الدولة :اربيل
المستوى الدراسي:سنة دراسية أولى في المحاسبة والتجارة
الوضع :عازب

delete 24 janvier 2020 à 04:42

I am Amer Al-Darwish from Syria I live in Turkey I would like to immigrate to Canada with my family please help and this is my number 05333700015

delete 24 janvier 2020 à 14:28

I am Amer Al-Darwish from Syria I live in Turkey I would like to immigrate to Canada with my family please help and this is my number 05333700015

delete 24 janvier 2020 à 14:29

  My name is Ali Ibrahim Daoud
  I have 32 years old
  My Email is
  My number 📱 is 0096176872055
  I have 4 baby's
  First, I want to emigrate to a country that respects people.
  I want to see my children create a future for them in a country that respects and respects people
  I work in the field of decoration and home painting
  I also love raising interest in them and I have experience with that animals
  I also have experience in the field of agriculture of all kinds

delete 24 janvier 2020 à 21:48